The Valley Chronicle - ASPIRE students meet Tuskegee Airmenng
ASPIRE students meet Tuskegee Airmen

Robert Porter is a retired U.S. Air Force pilot and president of the Tuskegee Airmen Buford A. Johnson (Inland Empire) Chapter.[/caption] ■ By Alex Cass / Contributed ASPIRE Community Day School students have been learning about the brave men and women who made major contributions and sacrifices during World War II. Throughout these history lessons students began to focus on the first African-American fighter pilots during WWII known as the Tuskegee Airmen, or Red Tails. In an effort to engage students in the lesson plan, ASPIRE Counselor La Verne Williams-Schoonover invited Theodore Lumpkin, intelligence officer for the Tuskegee Airmen 332nd Fighter Squad Division, and Robert Porter, a retired Air Force pilot and president of the Tuskegee Airmen Buford A. Johnson (Inland Empire) Chapter, to present their stories to students. Lumpkin and Porter spoke to students in different grade levels and were able to have honest conversations with the students about challenges they faced. Prior to the visit, eighth grade students presented their research to their classmates on the challenges faced by Tuskegee Airmen. Ninth grade students discussed literature written during WWII and how the war influenced it. Tenth grade students watched the film Red Tails and engaged in classroom discussion about racial divides, struggles, and achievements made by the Tuskegee Airmen. [caption id="attachment_1077" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Theodore Lumpkin, a former intelligence officer with the Tuskegee Airmen, came to speak to the students at ASPIRE Community Day School.[/caption] Juniors and seniors watched the documentary Double Victory and discussed the importance of persistence and perseverance. All of the work students did ahead of time allowed for the students, Lumpkin, and Porter to have engaging conversations about adversity and perseverance. Williams-Schoonover said this interaction allowed students an amazing opportunity to learn about history and then meet individuals who made and continue to make a difference. “They inspired me to keep moving forward and never give up on my dreams,” said Aleea Moore, ASPIRE senior.
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Koi Nation of Northern California and California State Parks
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24 Kids Shop with a Cop in Hemet
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ASPIRE students meet Tuskegee Airmen

Robert Porter is a retired U.S. Air Force pilot and president of the Tuskegee Airmen Buford A. Johnson (Inland Empire) Chapter.[/caption] ■ By Alex Cass / Contributed ASPIRE Community Day School students have been learning about the brave men and women who made major contributions and sacrifices during World War II. Throughout these history lessons students began to focus on the first African-American fighter pilots during WWII known as the Tuskegee Airmen, or Red Tails. In an effort to engage students in the lesson plan, ASPIRE Counselor La Verne Williams-Schoonover invited Theodore Lumpkin, intelligence officer for the Tuskegee Airmen 332nd Fighter Squad Division, and Robert Porter, a retired Air Force pilot and president of the Tuskegee Airmen Buford A. Johnson (Inland Empire) Chapter, to present their stories to students. Lumpkin and Porter spoke to students in different grade levels and were able to have honest conversations with the students about challenges they faced. Prior to the visit, eighth grade students presented their research to their classmates on the challenges faced by Tuskegee Airmen. Ninth grade students discussed literature written during WWII and how the war influenced it. Tenth grade students watched the film Red Tails and engaged in classroom discussion about racial divides, struggles, and achievements made by the Tuskegee Airmen. [caption id="attachment_1077" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Theodore Lumpkin, a former intelligence officer with the Tuskegee Airmen, came to speak to the students at ASPIRE Community Day School.[/caption] Juniors and seniors watched the documentary Double Victory and discussed the importance of persistence and perseverance. All of the work students did ahead of time allowed for the students, Lumpkin, and Porter to have engaging conversations about adversity and perseverance. Williams-Schoonover said this interaction allowed students an amazing opportunity to learn about history and then meet individuals who made and continue to make a difference. “They inspired me to keep moving forward and never give up on my dreams,” said Aleea Moore, ASPIRE senior.
The Valley Chronicle - ASPIRE students meet Tuskegee Airmenng
ASPIRE students meet Tuskegee Airmen

Koi Nation of Northern California and California State Parks Renew Memorandum of Understanding and Celebrate Renaming of Ridge and Trail
Koi Nation of Northern California, USA

MSJC Hosts Temecula Valley Campus Dedication Ceremony
MSJC Hosts Temecula Valley Campus Dedication Ceremony
Stick to a “Go Safely” Game Plan: Celebrate the Holiday
Stick to a “Go Safely” Game Plan: Celebrate the Holiday Season Responsibly National “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Enforcement Campaign Begins Dec. 14

Police Seek Help Locating Hit-and-Run Vehicle
Police Seek Help Locating Hit-and-Run Vehicle
Follow-up: Plane Crashes Near Residential Homes in Hemet
Follow-up: Plane Crashes Near Residential Homes in Hemet
Padilla Joins Farm Workers for a Workday as Part of the
Padilla Joins Farm Workers for a Workday as Part of the ‘Take Our Jobs’ Campaign
Don't undermine scientific discovery -- ever, but espec
Don't undermine scientific discovery -- ever, but especially now

35.3% Of Unvaccinated California Residents Cite Governm
35.3% Of Unvaccinated California Residents Cite Government Distrust
MSJC Celebrates Groundbreaking of New STEM Building and
MSJC Celebrates Groundbreaking of New STEM Building and Opening of New Animatronic Makerspace
MSJC Receives $500,000 Apprenticeship Grant
MSJC Receives $500,000 Apprenticeship Grant
24 Kids Shop with a Cop in Hemet
24 Kids Shop with a Cop in Hemet
Stick to a “Go Safely” Game Plan: Celebrate the Holiday
Stick to a “Go Safely” Game Plan: Celebrate the Holiday Season Responsibly National “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Enforcement Campaign Begins Dec. 14

Four CSUSB alumni win top award for radio show
Four CSUSB alumni win top award for radio show
Padilla Joins Farm Workers for a Workday as Part of the
Padilla Joins Farm Workers for a Workday as Part of the ‘Take Our Jobs’ Campaign
C.W. Driver companies breaks ground on new three-story
C.W. Driver companies breaks ground on new three-story stem education building
MSJC Celebrates Groundbreaking of New STEM Building and
MSJC Celebrates Groundbreaking of New STEM Building and Opening of New Animatronic Makerspace